Keep, keep bleeding
For me, blood has always been an integral part of being a woman. Into underwear, at the hands of someone else, in the shower when you shave too close, etc. In video games, women bleed all the time, but typically for more spectacular reasons — they obliterated an alien pod, got their fingers bitten off, someone hacks into their deformed flesh with a rusted weapon. Again, again, and again.
All these bleeding women gushing around, digitally and physically, but we have no real way to understand it, to peacefully live with all this red. When blood makes its way outside, being covered in it is usually more shame than honor. You stem its flow, wash out the dark brown, but expect it to show itself to you again. So when it’s splattered all over my screen, and as an infrequently bloody woman myself, I can’t stop thinking about it.
Lots of times, some of the most popular being during a fight, after being riddled with disease/mold/inhuman infection, as part of their character design, or because they’re vampires. But notably, unlike living women with uteruses, video game women with uteruses rarely get their periods or even speak of them, eliminating that monthly blood for the video game world. Also in the grand scheme of games, women characters bleed less frequently than male characters do, but that’s just because there are more of them.
In the case of bleeding during fights, they’re bleeding because they’re in a fight. Sometimes it’s because someone playing Grand Theft Auto V hit them with their car and it triggered mild blood loss. For unattractive or transformed female characters, blood is a popular aesthetic choice to denote their disease or loss of humanity, presumably because, usually, healthy humans often have their blood inside their bodies and not outside of it.
We rarely see women actively bleeding in video games, it often just exists around mouths and dirty shirts. When provoked, though, video game women bleed in bursts. It flies off of them, thick and brick red if the game was made after 2000, thin and bright if made before. Sometimes it pools quietly, sometimes it’s quick and aggressive, like eating candy that’s too sour.
When I bleed or see women bleeding, I sink into that little part of me that enjoys listening to childhood directions to be on the offensive, a victim with odds to overcome. A person hurt, maligned, and made to feel that way. When women bleed in video games, a type of media marred by its aggressively masculine history, that association becomes even stronger.
But taking it all apart like this — when, why, how — I can take a mini-vacation from my fear. I can pause to view an abstraction of real-life carnage, splotches of raspberry in a game. Sure, it’s scary, grotesque and familiar, but it forces me into a bigger picture. I know these women characters are more than the blood that drains out of them. They have stories, successes, and Wikipedia pages. I know I’m more of a healthy human than a perpetually bleeding punching bag, and I can learn to be afraid of blood without finding a home in it. So can you. It still looks cool, though.
[More articles in the “Terrible Females” series: Anatomy of a woman monster, Against the damsel in distress.]
Published: Oct 29, 2021 03:00 pm