All romance options in Persona 3 Reload
Who among Persona 3’s cast steals your heart?
Who among Persona 3’s cast steals your heart?
Available on most platforms June 21
If bad guy, then stab.
Delivering a true queen her drink.
Down into the bunker we go.
Baby, baby, baby, that’s a lot of copies.
Learn about all the Theurgy abilities and how to unlock more of them in Persona 3 Reload.
Vanillaware’s done it again with their depictions of fantasy cuisine.
Also how to let Elizabeth get her drink on.
Here’s a list of all the answers to the quizzes and exams in Persona 3 Reload.
This seems to be Persona 3 perfectly intact, for better and worse.
Stop that train!
Elizabeth remains a Jack Frost fangirl in the remake.