Super Time Force almost had a playable Jesus Christ

And he may be playable if the fans really want it

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Super Time Force is the latest title in the works by the lunatics over at Capybara Games that sees you in control of an assortment of heroes using time travel to save the day. They’ve thought up so many crazy characters that they’ve had to scrap a bunch of ideas as well. From a ninja guy to even Jesus Christ.

“We talked a lot about putting Jesus into the game,” Nathan Vella, co-founder and president of Capybara, stated, adding “for real” after I gave him a surprised look. “Still might happen, I don’t know. But the ideas for his special attack were a little over powered, you know, ’cause he’s Jesus.”

I asked Nathan if they’d want to put Jesus in as a playable character if the fans reacted positively to this news, to which he replied with a resounding “Hell yeah, man!” 

“What’s the fun of being a small independent studio if you can’t listen to what people say? There’s always a cap on that, right? But we really want to make Super Time Force the game where people think that it’s funny.

“That’s one of the big reasons why we come to PAX. To see how people play it, listen to what they say, see what they like. Listening to the audience feedback is really important to us. And that’s what PAX is! PAX is the only place you can do that. PAX is really important to us and that’s why we keep bringing this game, and every game that we do, we’ll keep bringing it here.”

As for the playable characters that are in the game right now, each offers something unique. From a female soldier that can shoot sniper blasts through walls, to a skateboarding dinosaur named Zackasaurus.

“Right now we’re at eight characters and we’re not done at all,” Nathan told me. “There will be more than 10. Half of the fun is making characters, ’cause we just come up with like ‘what would be the stupidest idea ever? Let’s have a guy who as a light sword!’

I’ll have more from my chat with Nathan soon.  

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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