Super Smash Bros. Brawl takes us to Yoshi’s Island in these lovely screens

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Earlier today, Blindside Dork posted some new screenshots for Super Smash Bros. Brawl in his blog which are deserving of some Dtoid frontpage goodness due to the fact that I really like them. It’s also very rare for me to compliment screenshots from a Wii game, but this is definitely deserving. In this newly revealed stage, the design elements are quite superb, really taking on that hand drawn quality of the Yoshi’s Island videogames. It’s a stark contrast between the stage and the characters, but one that works in that kind of jarring sense.

Take a look at the gallery below for the full range of screens which show the seasonal changes that this stage undergoes, from summer to spring to fall to winter. More than anything, however, pay particular attention to the excellent work that’s gone into the character models, especially Wario in the cropped screenshot above. The sheer level of detail in his design is proof that a Wii game needn’t be stuffed full of lazy, sloppy, last-gen visuals just because the system’s underpowered. A little careful design goes a very long way.  

Enjoy the screens below, ladies and gentlemen.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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