Super Meat Boy composer refuses to license the original soundtrack for PS4, Vita release

This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information

Danny B no longer works with Team Meat

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Super Meat Boy is finally coming to Sony platforms next week, but the game PlayStation owners will experience is slightly different than the one that launched on Xbox 360 and PC in 2010.

Writing on Team Meat’s official blog, designer Tommy Refenes confessed the studio was forced to produce a new soundtrack for the game after failing to secure the rights for the original score.

Those rights are held by composer Danny Baranowsky, who explains he refused to license the music for the PSN release because he “no longer [has] a working relationship with Team Meat.”

“You may also know that I did not do the soundtrack for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth,” (another game created by Team Meat’s Edmund McMillen) Baranowsky adds. “I made a decision a couple years ago to end my working relationship with them for many reasons that don’t really need to be listed here. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause my fans.”

Contrary to any rumors, Baranowsky maintains his broken relationship with Team Meat doesn’t stem from creative differences, saying only “I didn’t feel like the license fee and exposure through PSN they offered was enough to make me seriously consider accepting the deal. I decided to decline their offer. I wish them and the new artists the best of luck with the game.”

To replace the original soundtrack, Team Meat hired several musicians, including Ridiculon (The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth), David “Scattle” Scatliffe (Hotline Miami), and Laura Shigihara (Plants vs. Zombies).

“That’s a pretty slick roster of artists,” says Refenes. “We were lucky enough that they were all friends of ours and fans of Super Meat Boy. Their passion and love for the game can be heard in the work they put into making the game sound amazing. We’re honored to have them on the team for this version of Super Meat Boy.”

You can listen to a sample of the new score (Ridiculon’s Hell Boss theme) right here.

Super Meat Boy debuts on PSN Tuesday, October 6, free of charge to PS Plus subscribers.

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