Get to know the people that make great videogames
[Destructoid’s Director of Communications Hamza Aziz asked Jonathan Holmes to make a show called ‘Sup, Holmes?’ so that Destructoid could later sell a t-shirt that says ‘Sup, Holmes?’ on it. This is that show. Subscribe to the podcast feed and find more episodes here.]
This week on Sup Holmes, we welcome Miles Tilmann and Rich Grillotti of PixelJam, creators of Retro Unicorn Attack, Dino Run, PotatoMan Seeks the Troof, Glorkbot Adventures, and many others. A lot of their games are free or have free demos, so now would be the perfect time to check them out. Then you can head back here to meet their makers via videophone.
We’ll be talking to Miles and Rich about their creative programming techniques, their upcoming comics-creation tool Bitku Beta, and whatever else comes to mind. Join us in the chat and get friendly at 1pm PST/4pm EST. We’d love to have you.