[Sundays with Sagat is a video series where a man named Sagat talks to you about videogames. This is serious business.]
Last week, Sagat promised to get out of his depression and start being productive again. First though, it’s shower time.
There is also talk of a few of the ways that game developers and publishers screw themselves over in the pursuit of a quick buck. This is a topic that Sagat likely could have talked about for hours, maybe even days. He doesn’t get that far this week, but when this show gets a totally professional reboot in a few weeks, maybe we’ll get lucky. Instead, we get a little talk about how 3rd party developers have trained Wii owners to never buy their games within the first six months of release (lest they miss out on the inevitable price drop), some stuff about Street Fighter upgrades, the 3DS, Kinect, PS Move, and “the Pixar rule”.
That leaves a lot out, doesn’t it? There’s no mention of shovelware, half-assed ports, liscensed games, off-brand games, mario-milking and numerous other examples of unimaginative money grabs that have become well-known problems to gamers over the years.
Which type of trend chasing mistake gets on your nerves the most? Which did you think that Sagat should or shouldn’t have mentioned? Any desire for a Felicia and Sagat reality show, kind of like that one about the midgets?
Sundays with Sagat: What’s a videogame for?
Sundays with Sagat: Mario 64 Vs. Mario Galaxy
Sundays with Sagat: The Hardcore/Comedy Conundrum
Sundays with Sagat: Uncharted 2
Sundays with Sagat: Redefining “Hardcore Vs. Casual”
Sundays with Sagat: Guest Starring Birdie
Sundays with Sagat: What’s in a name?
Sundays with Sagat: Final Fantasy
Sundays with Sagat: Grand Theft Auto V Casting Call
Sundays with Sagat: Alan Wake, Depression, and Meows
Published: Aug 11, 2010 03:00 pm