CTZ: “allalalala I do sunday sidequest!”
Sheir: “…what now? Oh, right. Yeah, thanks for that. I had things to do, you know, women problems and the like.”
CTZ: “Wut is woman?”
Sheir: “Oh, well, they’re just… don’t worry about it. They wouldn’t like you anyway.”
CTZ: “I liek cats and cyborgs lool”
Sheir: “… *click*”
Well, folks, I’m back. I know you all missed me after that ninja–terrorist hybrid bastard did his mediocre rendition of Sunday Sidequests. But it’s cool. It’s OK. I’m here now. I’m here to stay.
This week we have a happy balance of badassery in the ever-popular Flash format. Remember guys, all God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring.
We must never, ever be boring.
Pandemic – Kill everyone!
Pandemic is a seriously addictive little game. The entire point of the game is to kill everyone. It’s a misanthrope’s dream. Using your skill points, gained by killing people, you are able to raise (or lower) the lethality, infectivity, and visibility of your virus. Keep in mind, if you mess up, a continent can close its borders, and you’re screwed! Kill everyone quick.
At the end, you get to name your virus. Mine’s aptly named, methinks.
Fly Guy – I don’t know if this is a game, but it’s quite a trip. Of the acid variety, perhaps.
Fly Guy is a “game” that I “played” a while ago. No, that’s not a euphemism for sex or anything, it’s just hard to call it a game. It is an utterly and completely badass interactive adventure, though, and that’s good enough for me. I hope it’s good enough for you, internets.
Relaxing as hell, too, Fly Guy is. Really. Next time you’re pissed, either fire up Pandemic and kill everyone, or play Fly Guy, and chill. Or cry about it on your LiveJournal. Either way, just stay the hell away from me.
James the Circus Zebra – Beautifully simple gameplay accompanied by a dash of absurdity.
I think we’ve all, at one point, seen Decline of Video Gaming, a nice little Flash series, often funny and with some damn kickass voicework and art. Perhaps one of the most quotable flash series of all time, with its crazy “omgimonfire” antics. Anyway, those bitchin’ brits have created this sweet little game called James the Circus Zebra. The intro is perfectly silly, reminiscent of the Spinal Tap DVD, and actually teaches you how to play the game while being fairly funny.
The gameplay, simple, as is the music. But I feel this is a game you’ll be coming back to, if only to watch a circus zebra bounce off of trapezes.
Lightning Round – This is actually a pun, ’cause, with lightning, comes a FLASH. Get it?
Speed – Essentially, the card game spit, against a computer.
Magic Jet 2 – Engrish so good for you!
Throw Paper! – Self-explanatory!
Seconds of Madness – Prepare to be dazed and confused.
Drunk Walker – Just as annoying as its real life counterpart.
And with that, I’ll end my little Sunday Sidequests post. Remember guys, you can hit up the Sunday Sidequests g-mail account with all your submissions and inquiries. Big thanks to “nkiegrea” for the submission this week!
Also, the thing about God watching us and blah. Quote from Invisible Monsters, by Chuck Palahniuk. It was good stuff, pick it up if you like his work (Fight Club, Diary…).
Published: Jan 28, 2007 10:29 pm