Sunday Sidequests – Ginsberg Edition

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I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix…

…of Sunday Sidequests! Whoo!

Yeah, that’s really the only thing Ginsberg-y about this edition of Sunday Sidequests. I was just looking for an excuse to use that. I apologize, this week we’ll only be having the straight up face-splitting awesomeness of flash games. Sorry. Really. We’ll have to skip the poetry this time round.

Hit the jump for the metaphorical axe that will surely cleave your face in two. 

QWERTY Warriors – Home rOWNED!

I type with two fingers, ’cause I’m straight up OG. I didn’t take none of those skanky typing classes, I figured it out and now I’m an e-gangsta. Needless to say, I love blowin’ suckas up, and QWERTY Warriors lets me do just that, with my index fingers of doom. I’m sick-nasty at this game. Like in real life.

Hahaha… word up. Pun.

Aggressive Alpine Skiing – God damn this is a funky game.

Ah, how Digg has rekindled fond memories of aggressiveness, and skiing. And alpine. I remember playing Aggressive Alpine Skiing a while back, and loving the hell out of it. Something about the trippy techno tunes and the fast-paced gameplay gets me absorbed for a long, long time. It’s quite a fun game. Hit it up.

Castle Smasher – Flying balls of doom.

Do you have the STONES to play this game? I’m so punny today. Castle Smasher is a game which centers around the smashing of castles. No surprise there. It’s also quite fun. No surprise there, either. There’s not really much else to say. I’m in ur castle, droppin’ ballz on ur doodz!

Lightning Round – Not to be confused with Grease Lightning

Boxhead More Rooms – Sequel to the original game I posted.

Sword of Orion – Extremely fun, but, not worthy of being featured.

Sing the Showersong – What the f*ck?

Adam & Eve – Spoiler: She eats the fruit.

And that ends this week of Sunday Sidequests. Thanks be to Bryan Alban for his kind words and awesome game recommendation! Remember, guys, there’s some sort of e-mail type thing that you supposedly can send things to. Feel free. 


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