Sunday Sidequests – 12/31/06

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So, here we are at Week Two of Sunday Sidequests! Last week, I gave you a taste of what was to come with this article, and now I’m back and ready to punch you in the face with my utter greatness.

This week we have many a flash game. Your typical 3 features will now be accompanied by a lightning round, a bunch of little flash games that I decided should be played, but not featured. It’ll be fun. Come along for the ride and throw your mouse at that “View Story” button.

Or click it.

Fancy Pants Adventures: My favorite flash game of all time.

Those who know me, know I’m a huge fan of sidescrollers. Thus, I simply can’t help loving Fancy Pants Adventures. It has insanely smooth animation, fun physics, and some seriously kickass level design. Unfortunately, there’s currently only one “world”, but that should keep you sufficiently entertained for a while. Try getting all the trophies and secrets, and pray that the sequel be released soon!

Toon Crisis: Sony’s best advertisement, ever.

I’m pretty sure a lot of you have played Toon Crisis, but it’s damn good, and thus it’s here. The main premise is that you go through this city, and you shoot little bastard demons with your fingers. It’s similar to last week’s featured game, Puki, with one key difference: The presence of Gogol Bordello.

My music taste is impeccable, infinitely better than yours, and ever-expanding, and on my amazing list of musical badassery, resides Gogol Bordello. Seriously, they’re pretty damn awesome, and this game is so damn perfect for their music it’s borderline retarded. Frantically shooting cartoon-y demons to “I Would Never Be Young Again,” is pure bliss. Highly recommended game, especially when you get the devil horns and start rocking bitch-faces clean off.

While we’re speaking of Gogol Bordello, their music is also featured in the movie Everything is Illuminated. My movie taste is impeccable as well, you guys should check it out.

Music Brothers: Some crazy Japanese music game.

I love me some Guitar Hero, but that’s pretty much where my music game lovin’ stops, unless of course, you count flash games. Music Brothers is a cracked-out Japanese rhythm game that is as frustrating as it is cute. I just got to level 15, God I am good at this game. If this was online, I would wreck you. Look at the screenshots at the bottom of the article, I included a few of my perfect score screens. I dare you to get to lvl 16, you silly bums. You can’t do it. And if you can, you’re Rain Man or something.

Anyway, it’s your typical arrow-infested rhythm game but with cutesy graphics and really familiar music. The problem I tend to have is, I go along with the beat instead of just playing what’s on the screen. But I have since fixed this problem, because I am a God at the game. Seriously. I’m insane. Play it, and tell me what level you get to!

Lightning Round: Multiple games with one sentence descriptions! 

Samorost 1: Confusing point and click adventure game.

Double Jeu: God damn the French.

Gamebrew Tilt: I am terrible at balancing things.

Indian Music Generator: For you, with love, Ishaan.

Snow Trouble!: Some straight up Bugs Bunny trickery.

And that’s how we’ll end this week’s Sunday Sidequests! Remember, you can always send your flash games to our Gmail account. It makes my job a lot easier. As a matter of fact, almost all of this week’s flash games were contributed by Cruds. You’re the man, sir. Thanks.

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