EGM died a painful and cruel death, but its legacy has been done justice. Those still subscribed to the (officially) dead magazine need not worry that their money was spent unwisely, because instead of EGM, they will now instead be receiving Maxim. Yes, salacious bikini shots for people afraid of real pornography and articles about the best lager shall make a fine replacement for a gaming magazine.
Before we get too sarcastic, let us not forget that Maxim is written by true gaming connoisseurs. After all, they are the only print magazine brave enough to voice what we all know — that 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is better than Killzone 2. They’re also able to fully review any major videogame in 500 words or less. That’s hardcore!
Such lucky, lucky subscribers! They’ll be able to write a letter and cancel for a small rebate if they wish, but really, why would they want to?