Study reveals major increase in gaming in Australia

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3,500 Australians in over 1,200 households have been surveyed in the Digital Australia Report 2012 as to their videogame and digital media habits. The results are nothing but positive — a whopping 92% of Australian households now own a gaming device, and the average age of a person playing games has increased to 32 (it was 28 in 2007). 

Conducted by Sydney’s Bond University and the Interactive Games and Entertainment Association (IGEA), the study also reveals more surprises:

  • 57% play games almost every day
  • 88% of parents play with their children
  • 63% play on consoles, 62% on PCs, 43% on phones and tablets
  • 43% buy games from retailers, 40% buy games online

Considering the long, long, long history of trouble that videogames have suffered in Australia, this study is very encouraging. Perhaps now we can move forward and forget about those questionable accents in Dead Island.

Study finds growth in Australian gaming habits [VG24/7]

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David Rayfield
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