Storm’s Adventures: Storm is turning Japanese

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God of War gave me hack and slash fever. I guess I could have caught worse things from Kratos, that dirty sailor. Anyway, I sought to cure it by heading over to eBay and grabbing a Japanese developed and an American developed game full of slashing and hacking. The Japanese candidate was, of course, Bayonetta, and the American candidate…never arrived. So, sadly, Devil May Cry 4 had to takes its place.

Every since seeing Bayonetta behind Sega’s closed doors at E3 2009, while having the honor of hanging out with the legendary Jim Sterling, I knew it was a game I had to include in an adventure and make non-stop, unoriginal sex jokes all the while. Seriously, I think I have a crush on Bayonetta. She is now in league with Rebecca Chambers and Princess Peach to me. What’s that you say? I have to talk about the gameplay? Well, it’s…good.

Devil May Cry 4 was sort of an impulse buy. GameCrazy was closing all of it’s stores and liquidating inventory. Since the local GameCrazy had no more copies of Halo 3: ODST, I had to find some other deal. I saw Devil May Cry 4, and said to myself, “Sure, I’ll introduce myself to the series with this one.” That was over a year ago. Pairing it in an adventure with Bayonetta kind of makes sense. But now I wish that other “Dante” game had come through the mail because Devil May Cry 4 should have stayed on the shelf. Watch the video for details.


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Storm Dain
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