Analogue Pocket glow-in-the-dark limited edition
Image via Analogue

Stay up all night with a glow-in-the-dark Analogue Pocket

Get your game on at the neighborhood rave

Keep one hand on your wallet because Analogue is coming around with a special, glow-in-the-dark edition of their Analogue Pocket. This radiant version of the beefed-up Game Boy goes on sale on September 1st. There is no pre-order period, so you can expect it to ship by September 5th.

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The Analogue Pocket is Analogue’s take on portable handhelds. It uses FPGA to create a hardware environment close to the Game Boy line of handhelds. There are also a number of adapters available that let you play games from other consoles, like the Atari Lynx and Sega Game Gear. It also has various display modes to bring you closer to the original platforms without having to deal with all their warts.

Analogue Pocket Glow-In-The-Dark Limited Edition
Image via Analogue

It’s a pretty slick enthusiast-level device. I’m a bit envious since it’s sort of out of my price range. Also, I don’t really play handheld games that much, even though I’ve got a rather substantial library of titles. Still, if I had one, it would get used.

The glow-in-the-dark luxury edition is exactly that. The shell has been made of glow-in-the-dark plastic. It gets charged via available light sources and can apparently continuously glow for 8 hours, just like those plastic stars you have all over your bedroom ceiling. That’s all you get in terms of special features, which I feel is to be expected.

The Analogue Pocket Glow-in-the-Dark Limited edition will be available in “highly limited” numbers. It goes on sale September 1st at 8 am PDT for $249.99.

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Image of Zoey Handley
Zoey Handley
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Zoey is a gaming gadabout. She got her start blogging with the community in 2018 and hit the front page soon after. Normally found exploring indie experiments and retro libraries, she does her best to remain chronically uncool.