Sony’s PlayStation 3 costs a lot of money. Purchasing one of the sleek black monsters requires consideration. It isn’t like that that time you grabbed an incense burner from the convenience aisle because you decided your house smelled a little too much like cabbage. The reason consumers have to pay so much for the console is because it costs at least that much coin to manufacture.
All the information we’ve gathered over the console’s lifespan indicates that it costs hundreds of dollars more than retail price to assemble. Apparently, that is all about (or beginning) to change. According to a CVG report (via Business Week) Sony has recently been able to bring down console costs to $440 per unit. That means Sony is only in the red for forty dollars per console instead of around 240 bucks.
This is good news and I hope in a reasonable amount of time Sony is able to drop the prices on its machine. It needs more exposure. Metal Gear Solid 4 and LittleBigPlanet are entirely too awesome to miss.
Published: Dec 23, 2008 03:30 pm