Bethesda’s hot mic mistakes
Bethesda’s E3 press conference isn’t till tomorrow, but that didn’t stop it from accidently streaming some rehearsal audio on its Twitch channel today. The above audio was captured from said stream. It is to be noted that the first video to be uploaded to YouTube of this leak was struck down with a copyright claim from ZeniMax Media, parent company of Bethesda.
The people heard talking in the audio above are Harvey Smith, co-director of Dishonored, and Raph Colantonio, president of Arkane. Arkane’s last game was – you guessed it – Dishonored. While the actual word Dishonored is never actually muttered, it is a safe bet that something Dishonored this way comes. Or Prey 2. Please be Prey 2.
Bethesda Accidentally Announces Dishonored 2 Announcement [Kotaku]
Published: Jun 13, 2015 08:00 pm