Information on games for the upcoming Xbox 360 add-on Project Natal sure come from the strangest places. The latest bit comes from writer/director James Gunn, best known for his work as writer of the Dawn of the Dead remake and horror-comedy Slither.
At a recent Microsoft event, Gunn had the opportunity to play two Natal titles — the ball-whacking game shown off at E3, as well as a previously unannounced game he calls River Rush.
“It’s a game where you stand side by side in a river raft, so it’s two people playing at once,” he writes on his blog. “To move right, you have to step right; to move left, you have to step left. As you rush down right rapids, you have to jump up and slap floating stars in the air – the whole raft jumps up every time you do.”
Gunn walked away impressed by the technology, adding that as a fan of exercise and games, it’s “sort of a dream come true. An hour of playing Natal every night will definitely burn calories.”
We’ll see more of Natal, as well as its games, at E3 this year. I wouldn’t be too worried that every game will be a cardio workout replacement — I’m positive that many games will utilize both the standard controller and Natal in tandem. But I guess it’s not a bad idea to get off your ass every now and then, is it?
Quick Impressions on Microsoft’s Natal [James Gunn]