If you believe pirating will take most of your time in Skull and Bones, you may be surprised. There’s a robust crafting feature, and you’ll spend a lot of time harvesting raw materials that need to be refined first. Here’s how to find the Refinery in Skull and Bones.
The Refinery can be found in the pirate sanctuary of Sainte-Anne in the area of town where the other crafting artisans lurk. You can find it to the right of the shipwright and just across the way from the blacksmith. The area truly is a one-stop shop for any pirate in need of a good craftsperson.

How to use the Refinery in Skull and Bones
The Refinery, run by Vera van Wessel, takes raw goods and refines them into useful materials for crafting. Raw goods are typically what you can gather out in the wild, such as logs or ore. Taking logs to Vera turns them into planks, while ore can be smelted into ingots, for example.

The process is not instant, mind. You have to assign refining projects to a worker. At first, you may only have one or two worker slots. But you can get more as you rise in rank. Each worker can be put to task creating planks, cloth, or ingots, and different materials take a varying amount of time and money.

It’s also not one-to-one when it comes to creating refined goods from raw materials. It could be three or even five to one, meaning you will need multiple of a raw good to craft one refined material. Be sure to pay attention to the information on the job card before you start.

Pirating business
When it comes to jobs, you can set it and forget it if that’s what you’d like. It takes time for a worker to complete a task, and the amount of material getting refined adds more to the clock. You can set some jobs and then go about the town doing pirate stuff before coming back later to get your items.

As you progress in the Skull and Bones story campaign, you get introduced to another Pirate Den that naturally contains a second Refinery. Granted, it offers the typical suite of crafting businesses: Blacksmith, carpenter, shipwright, etc., but I digress. You eventually end up in Telok Penjarah, your home while plundering the East Indies. The second Refinery is at the northwestern-most part of the town. It’s run by a young man named Olivier Roux, who has more side quests to offer pirates in the latter half of Skull and Bones.
Published: Feb 19, 2024 02:32 pm