The first medium-sized ship you can build in Skull and Bones is the Bombardier, a Padewakang-class ship. It’s a powerful DPS-specialized ship that deals bonus damage to structures and increases damage further via its Detonate perk. It’s the first ship you can acquire with a Stern and Auxiliary gun slot, as well. In order to build the ship, you will need to know the Bombardier Padewakang Blueprint location in Skull and Bones.

Where to find the Bombardier Padewakang Ship Blueprint
This is one of the more challenging early-game blueprints to find, as it’s located in the second Pirate Den, Telok Penjarah. It can be very rough to get to, as you must head across the vast open sea to get to the East Indies. Along the way, you will have to brave dangerous Rogue Waves that can literally destroy your ship, as well as deal with enemy ships of Rank 9 and 10. You’ll want to avoid getting close to any ship you see, to be safe.
The fastest way to get there is to fast travel to Sainte-Anne or the outpost Lanitra, then just start sailing Northeast. No matter which of these two you start it, it’s going to take a while so sail across the ocean and reach the East Indies, so be prepared for a lengthy journey. You can follow the red dotted line in the map above to see the smoothest route to reach Telok Penjarah.
Telok Penjarah is a Pirate Den just like Sainte-Anne, and the blueprint is sold by the Den’s Shipwright. Find her located inland, and speak to her to purchase the Padewakang Ship Blueprint for 5,280 Silver. You will need to be Brigand Rank Infamy Rank or higher to purchase the blueprint.

Building the Bombardier Padewakang
Now that you’ve obtained the Bombardier Padewakang Ship Blueprint, you can build the ship at the same shipwright. Speak to her and she will let you build it if you have the following materials:
- 18 Ironwood Planks
- 15 Steel Ingots
- 15 Fine Ramie
- 4 Shellac
- 4 Crude Saltepeter
- 2,880 Silver
Once you have all those materials and the Padewakang Ship Blueprint, you can build the Bombardier in Skull and Bones. It’s a very strong DPS-role ship, and the first of its size you can build. It’s a solid step up from the Firebrand and Blaster.
Published: Feb 8, 2024 06:04 pm