Your Ship is a huge part of the pirate experience in Skull and Bones. While your first starting ship, the Rammer, can get the job done, eventually you’re going to want to upgrade. One of the first formidable ships you can upgrade to is the Blaster, a DPS-focused Sloop. In order to craft the Blaster you need to first obtain the Blueprint. Here is where you can find the Blaster Ship Blueprint in Skull and Bones and craft your own Blaster Sloop Ship.

Where to find the Blaster Sloop Ship Blueprint in Skull and Bones
You can find the Blaster Sloop Ship Blueprint at an outpost called the Sunken Goldmine. You can find the Sunken Goldmine on the westernmost part of the world map, deep inside the Coast of Africa. You will need to be Infamy Rank 4, Buccaneer, in order to purchase the Blaster Blueprint and build the ship.
Usually, you will reach this rank before heading to the Coast of Africa, so I created a route on the map above to show you the easiest way to reach the Sunken Goldmine. You’ll want to fast travel to the Dragon’s Back outpost then sail west into the narrow straits leading into the Coast of Africa. From there, head south into the Lake of Africa until you reach the Ziwa Kubwa region and find the Sunken Goldmine.
Once you are at the Sunken Goldmine speak to the Ungwana Merchant and you can purchase the Sloop Ship Blueprint for 4,950 Silver as long as you are Buccaneer rank or higher.

How to craft the Blaster Sloop
Now that you have the Blaster Sloop Ship Blueprint, head back to Sainte-Anne and visit the Shipwright. You can craft the Blaster with the following materials:
- 8 Cobalt Ingots
- 8 Fine Hemp
- 4 Casting Sand
- 4 Lime
- 2,700 Silver
As long as you have all those materials in your Warehouse or Ship Cargo Hold and the Blaster Sloop Ship Blueprint, you can craft the Blaster and begin controlling the seas!
Published: Feb 8, 2024 09:26 am