Who would have guessed it, but you can take Skate 2 online. Yup! It supports the Internet!
In this latest video feature, the folks behind Skate 2 talk a bit about the game’s online component, which looks to be greatly improved over the original. As is all the rage these days, hopping online is going to be a seamless experience, and can be done anywhere in the game’s open world. Sound familiar? Yup, it’s like every open-world game release after Criterion’s Burnout Paradise.
The folks at EA Black Box blather on about some other stuff in the video as well, including potential for DLC. There’s even some cursing in there in case you thought they weren’t hardcore.
Skate 2 comes out later this month, and if all goes as planned, we should be seeing a demo hit Xbox LIVE Marketplace and PlayStation Network by this week’s end.
[Update: Video fixed. So sorry!]