Fans of Atlus and the Shin Megami Tensei series alike would likely enjoy this recently announced panel about the RPG series, being hosted by Atlus at the Anime Expo this July. Even more tantalizing, the attendance is limited to 500 and attendees will receive a special gift. Argh … I’ll bet it’s some kind of toy related to the Shin Megami Tensei games. I feel myself squirming with preemptive jealousy.
SMT voice actors Yuri Lowenthal and Karen Straussman will be present, along with Senior Project Manager Yu Namba and veteran Editor Nich Maragos. to look back over the history of the Shin Megami Tensei series, including localization challenges. I love this series and would get a huge kick out of attending, but I won’t be anywhere near Los Angeles for the Expo. Perhaps I will get fortunate enough to hear about it from our friends at Japanator?