Shadowgate launches ‘retro two-pack’ update today

Enjoy the original on your fancy machine of the future

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Starting today, developer Zojoi and its publisher Reverb Triple XP will be updating the re-imagined point-and-click adventure title Shadowgate to include the 128K Mac and Apple IIGS versions of the game, free of charge. If that’s not enough radical retro-awesomeness for you, they’re also throwing in the hard-boiled detective adventure Déjà Vu: A Nightmare Comes True for good measure.

While probably not a huge incentive for new players to pick up the latest version of the game, it’s a great little freebie for existing owners. Unfortunately, I had to miss out on these classics when they were originally released, so I’ll spend a good part of today tinkering with these and basking in all that glorious ’80s techno-nostalgia.

C-C-C-Catch the wave!

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Rob Morrow
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