Mysterious ‘X factor’ causes high sales
According to producer Kenichiro Takaki, the Senran Kagura series has popped well over one and a half million global units since its debut in 2011.
Senran Kagura consists of numerous game titles, on multiple platforms, covering a plethora of genres. These include fighters, action-adventures, card games, rhythm-action/cooking hybrids and even a recent arena shooter. The series has also spawned manga volumes and an anime show.
“The Senran Kagura series which started out the thoughts of how it’d be amazing to sell even 30,000 units, has surpassed a total of 1.65 million units in worldwide sales” tweeted Takaki. “Sales aren’t everything, but it makes me happy to see it stretch. I mean it feels nice receiving spending money, right?”
I can’t argue with that.
I’m not sure what it that has made it this series consistently popular. No matter what genre Senran Kagura turns to, it succeeds in generating sales. If I could put my finger on the algorithmic zeitgeist the games tap into, I’d be a rich man. But I guess some things are destined to remain a mystery.
万本売れたら凄いね、と言われながら始まった閃乱カグラは5年間でWWシリーズ販売累計165万本突破してました。売り上げが全てではないですけど、伸びれば嬉しいです。…お小遣いもらってもいい感じじゃないですかね?— 高木 謙一郎 ©シノマス事前登録中! (@kenichiro_taka) August 13, 2017