Sega considers the hardcore opportunities on the Wii

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While most companies are eager to cash in on the so-called “casual” movement that may very well lead to a videogame market crash, Sega has realized that the “hardcore” demographic is getting substantially less served. Where there’s a market to grab, you can bet Sega will be on the case!

“There have been some good hardcore Wii titles. Resident Evil 4 has done reasonable numbers; Red Steel has also performed really well,” explains Sega Europe North’s managing Director Alan Pritchard. 

Pritchard notes how the Wii has became a haven for those looking to pump out a quick “casual” game which has of course led to a less-than-robust offering of “hardcore” games on the system. 

“… More family friendly titles are being released on PlayStation and 360 as this is a growth area for these formats,” agrees Sega’s sales director John Clark. “Maybe with Wii there’s a reverse opportunity.”

Right now, Sega is publishing the only Wii games I could give much of a stuff about right now, with titles like House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld and The Conduit. We can only hope these games are both well developed and get good sales. Hopefully some publishers can understand that pumping out peurile crap and nothing else on the Wii is a silly idea.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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