Seaman on the 3DS? Keep your fingers crossed!

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Seaman is one of those cult classics that has never seen a rerelease despite how many people it would make happy. Nintendo’s 3DS arguably provides a perfect environment in which such an odd game could thrive, and creator Yoot Saito has not shot down the idea, perhaps going so far as to hint that it may happen.

A fan asked Saito if a Seaman revival was possible on the 3DS, and the developer answered that, although he couldn’t give specific details, the fan should “continue to hope” for the game. He also added that his development team would work to “respond to expectations.”

Of course, that’s no guarantee that Seaman will ever see a return, but it’s great to think that Saito may at least be considering it. The handheld market is a great environment for such a game, and I would love to see it on the 3DS. How about you chaps?

Yoot Saito Hints At 3DS Seaman [AndriaSang]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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