Rufus confirmed in trailer for Street Fighter X Tekken

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In this awesomely animated trailer for Street Fighter X Tekken, Rufus is the main focus throughout. The whole premise is he mistakes Bob for Ken and hilariously tries to fight him to no avail. Zangief, Julia, Ryu and the actual Ken all make cameo appearances as Rufus and Bob duke it out inside of Marshall’s Diner.

As of right now, there are 23 officially announced characters, not including Rufus as he has not been technically announced. But really, we can all agree that since Ibuki has already been announced, no other reveal matters. I mean come on, it’s freaking Ibuki. In all seriousness, is your character already announced? If not, who are you waiting for to be revealed?

Street Fighter X Tekken video shows Rufus, Zangeif, Julia [CVG]

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Brett Zeidler
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