Either that stout-looking monster above is concept artwork for a new IP from Ruffian Games, or the sequel to Crackdown has suddenly taken a turn for the bizarre.
The creature comes to us from a Ruffian job advertisement calling for everything from animators to AI engineers all the way to team-based multiplayer designers. If you live anywhere near Dundee, Scottland, you may want to do yourself a favor and check the career openings page.
Like I alluded to earlier, I still believe it’s too early to tell if this ad has anything to do with Crackdown 2 or not — it would be purely speculation to say either way at this point. But you know what would be nice? If Ruffian or Realtime Worlds would come out already and say if they are or aren’t working on a Crackdown project. Have we not suffered long enough, guys?
[Via Joystiq]