Rock Band 4’s getting online multiplayer this year

And a whole load of other goodies before that

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[Update: In a blog post on the official Harmonix website, it has been confirmed that online multiplayer is a feature that will be included in the expansion pack, and not as a separate update. In other words, if you want to play online, you’re going to have to pay for that expansion. Bummer.]

Rock Band 4 is finally getting online multiplayer!

The trailer up top cuts straight to the chase. Creative lead Helen announcing the mode, and then a few screens telling us the exact same thing: Rock Band 4 is getting online multiplayer during the holiday period. We don’t know how it’ll work, what modes it’ll include, or anything other than its existence.

Along with multiplayer, Harmonix also announced at its PAX East panel that the game will be seeing its first expansion pack this year. We don’t know too much about it right now, other than it’ll include the ability to filter and rate the song library. We’re expecting to hear more about it at E3, which is only a couple of months away.

Also in the works for the game is Battleborn-themed DLC, an Xbox One adapter to use the Ion drums, and a practice mode to let you replay segments of songs to get them right. This is all coming before the big expansion drops this autumn.

While it got off to a rocky start, now seems like a great time to be a Rock Band fan. Unless you’re on PC, that is…

First Rock Band 4 Expansion Coming This Fall, Online Multiplayer This Holiday [GameSpot]

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Joe Parlock
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