[Update: The mysterious Risk of Rain 2 DLC has now been officially announced! The EXXXXXXX-X listing has now been updated to reveal the Seekers of the Storm expansion pack, featuring a major new antagonist (the False Son), four new environments, new survivors, and more. The specifics of the new content are still shrouded in mystery, but a snazzy new trailer should provide some insight into what’s going on, lore-wise. More information about the Seekers of the Storm DLC will be coming our way soon, including its release date.]
Hopoo Games’ and Gearbox Publishing’s delightful 3D roguelite, Risk of Rain 2, is bound to receive an all-new expansion pack sometime in the future. The what and why of this DLC, however, is currently shrouded in total mystery for the time being, and the fans are delighted.
Risk of Rain 2 – EXXXXXXX-X is the current title of the DLC in question, and there’s virtually nothing known about it right now. Even its official Steam listing is a total unknown, as it appears to be some type of in-universe transmission decoder that isn’t quite done just yet. If that sounds like some type of ARG in progress, you wouldn’t be wrong, because even in-game, players have begun reporting strange blue orbs appearing in the sky. In other words, even if the whole shindig ends up being a total wash, it’s a darn exciting bit of promotional material regardless.
What is Risk of Rain 2 – EXXXXXXX-X?
While it’s unclear whether EXXXXXXX-X is the actual title of Risk of Rain 2‘s second official expansion pack, following the Survivors of the Void, we do know for a fact that something big is cooking. Whether the DLC ends up getting a proper title or not, its release is crucial for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that this will be the first full piece of Risk of Rain 2 content produced entirely by Gearbox.
Notably, Hopoo Software sold the rights to the Risk of Rain franchise over to Gearbox in 2022. Hopoo seemingly aims to move on from the IP for good after releasing the remake of the original Risk of Rain game. The studio appears to be convinced that Gearbox will be the right choice for Risk of Rain‘s continued stewardship, while Hopoo moves on to other projects.
The importance of a first major new release for Hopoo’s former flagship is self-evident, then. As it currently stands, Gearbox seems to be doing a great job of hyping the players up for EXXXXXXX-X, but its delivery is going to be the most important thing here. Whatever the case may be, it does seem like more news about this strange new expansion pack should be coming in sooner, rather than later.