Resident Evil for the Wii promo video is clown shoe-tastic

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While we are supposed to remain tight-lipped about yesterday’s Capcom event, apparently Capcom is one of those, “Do what we say, not what we do” type. This morning Neogaf posted links to Capcom’s official Japanese Web site where the “commercial trailer” for the upcoming Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition was released. 

Having already seen this … abomination … projected over a giant screen yesterday at the Gamer’s Day event, let me just say that I am still, right now as I write this, waiting for the punchline. It – never – came! At first the audience at the event was giggling a little, thinking that obviously Capcom was in on the joke with us. Then it kept going, and it got a little long, and then it ended. And they were serious! The producer who was presenting the commercial paused once the lights came up as if he was awaiting applause.

Well, I do applaud a man that can stand in front of a bunch of hardcore gaming journalists and play this commercial with a straight face. Hit the jump to wait for the punchline with me.

Buffering video below. May take a moment … 


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