Reggie Fils-Aime, the savory Nintendo of America President, has been making wild claims about used games, joining the ranks of those in the industry who only like the parts of Capitalism that benefit them, and wish certain parts would go away so they can have their meatloaf and eat it too.
“You don’t see businesses selling used music CDs or used DVDs,” claims Reggie, ignoring the fact that you see businesses selling used music CDs or used DVDs. “More and more retailers are experimenting with the used game mode.
“We don’t believe used games are in the best interest of the consumer. We have products that consumers want to hold onto. They want to play all of the levels of a Zelda game and unlock all of the levels.”
Quite how the concept of secondhand games means that customers can’t hold onto their games, I don’t know. However, publishers rarely seem to inhabit the realm of Earthly logic when talking about used videogames, instead existing in some alternate fantasy kingdom where they are all given loads of money for doing nothing. Still, he continues with his inane chatter:
“A game like Personal Trainer Cooking has a long life, We believe used games aren’t in the consumer’s best interest. Describe another form of entertainment that has a vibrant used goods market. Used books have never taken off. The consumer likes having a brand-new experience and reliving it over and over again. If you create the right type of experience, that also happens in video games.”
To Reggie, the used car market isn’t real. He also seems to get the words “consumer” and “Nintendo” confused an awful lot.