Redbox machines offering game rentals in some areas

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If you’ve been to a convenience store or supermarket in a city recently, you’ve probably seen the Redbox video rental machines. For the uninitiated, they’re little kiosks where you can slide a credit card and rent a DVD at a cost of a dollar per day. Now, in some places, they will be vending videogame rentals as well.

An e-mail sent out by Redbox to customers in Reno, Nevada announced the availability of game rentals. Games will run $2 a day, which is reasonable if you’re only expecting to have the game for a day or two, but isn’t a considerable value for any longer than that when compared to major rental chains like Hollywood Video and Blockbuster. 

It seems like a test-market thing, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets rolled out nationwide in the near-future. Everytime I go to my local gas station, there is always someone renting something from the Redbox there, so the service seems popular. Would you rent a game from a Redbox at these prices?

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Conrad Zimmerman
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