Red Faction: Guerrilla pre-order incentives for US and UK

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Red Faction: Guerrilla is rolling out the pre-order incentives for US and UK audiences! Instead of fluffing up this intro with a bunch of nonsense, lets just jump straight to the facts.

The best of the four UK pre-order incentives for Guerrilla is over at Game. You’ll get a replica Heavy Walker figurine which is the gigantic mech unit from the game. You can see the mech in action over on Smash Authority.

As for the rest of the UK, GameStation is giving away a comic book with pre-orders, pre-ordering from Amazon UK will get you the Golden Hammer weapon and Play’s pre-order bonus will get you early access to four Wrecking Crew multiplayer maps.

Back in the USA, GameStop is giving the “Guerrilla Handbook” for people that reserve the game with them. The handbook is 128 pages of story details, tips, tricks, cheats, art and includes a 28 page comic book. That’s not all! GameStop is also giving out four exclusive Wrecking Crew maps. Plus, you’ll get a $5 off coupon for the official strategy guide and a $10 off coupon on a Xbox 360 Live Wireless Headset.

That Xbox 360 coupon is listed on PS3 GameStop product page but it seems to be a mistake. I called a local GameStop and they told me that there’s no PS3 version of the coupon for a PS3 headset. 

Last but not least is Best Buy where people will get the Heavy Walker figurine by reserving the game with them.

All in all, some pretty neat stuff. What do you guys and gals think of the pre-order bonuses? 

[Thanks to Bill for the UK pre-order info!]

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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