For pretty much every mode
Red Dead Online (included in Red Dead Redemption 2) is trying to entice people to come back again with another buffed reward event similar to Call of Duty‘s Double XP weekends.
You’ll get 1.5 times the amount of gold and RDO$ (as the currency is called), so long as you play any showdown, race, or gun rush mode (that includes plunder, which was just added to the game). Land of opportunities and free roam also boast bonuses. Is it enough to bring you back though? Maybe not.
Red Dead Online has been in a contentious spot for many since launch. For one thing the shadow of GTA Online is just massive, and people already have called that world (that already outranks RDO) their home for many years. Rockstar also experimented with high-priced microtransactions that turned away many players before they could alter them, and weirdly…Red Dead Online is still in “beta” form where things are subject to change.
Given that Red Dead Redemption 2 is such a massive game that people are still experiencing new events in, rushing RDO out of the gate probably wasn’t necessary.
Red Dead Online [Rockstar]