Quote from man banned: ‘What are you gonna do, ban me?’

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The above “PlayerUnknown” is the eponymous creator of recent-Early-Access-hit PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, Brendan Greene. He does not countenance joking off, especially when it comes to killing your teammates in his game, which is against the rules. Unfortunately there is no rule against accidental team-killing, so Brett won’t be banned yet.

The above fun exchange stems from a somewhat more serious interaction Greene had with “one of the game’s most popular streamers,” according to Waypoint, Dr. DisRespect.

During a stream, Dr. DisRespect’s four-person squad found a motorcycle and sidecar that could only seat three. For comedic effect, he blasted away one of his squad mates, sorting out the calculus of how to proceed. Not long after, he caught a ban for team-killing.

The ban was only temporary, and Dr. DisRespect shared some banter with Greene on Twitter.

The banter soured after Dr. DisRespect’s presumed joke about kicking Greene in the chest, as Greene has actually been kicked in the chest before. He explains in a statement, prefaced with the clarification that he is indeed a fan of Dr. DisRespect’s normal shtick:

“When I was in college, many years ago, I had a disagreement with my flat mate. Instead of talking it out like men, he decided to get aggressive and while I was backing away from him, he kicked me in the chest and put my head through a plate glass door. … The point of that story is to attempt to explain why I think even the threat of violence is not something that should be joked about. … All I ask from anyone that reads this is to consider that your words, however flippant they may be, could have unintended effects on those reading them.”

Until we nationalize PUGB, it’s Greene’s battlegrounds, and we inhabit it by his grace.

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Steven Hansen
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