Quiet, Please! is free for Android right now

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So, you probably know by now that I play a ton of Xbox Live Indie Games. One of my favorites from this year has been Quiet, Please!, a charming adventure game where a girl just seeks a peaceful environment. The whole game takes only a few minutes to play and I’ve done it dozens of times. Beyond my ability to empathize with the character, the act of setting her house in order kind of helps me put my house in order, so to speak.

Now, I’ll be able to take that contemplative journey with me wherever I go, as the recently released Android version is available for FREE today on Amazon’s AppStore. I mean, I’d have paid for it again, anyway, but still happy news. You’re almost our of time, though. So hurry up and grab it. 

I can’t wait to be on the road, getting ready for bed, and playing a quick run. What a treat! You guys should go check it out if you haven’t played before. Adorable.

‘Quiet, Please!’ on Android free on Amazon Appstore today [Polygon]

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Conrad Zimmerman
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