Protoss to get their own campaign in StarCraft II: WoL

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It looks like the Protoss will be playable in the first StarCraft II release, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. In a recent official message board post, Blizzard’s Stefanie Gwinner revealed that the delectable aliens are to be featured as part of a “mini-campaign.” Save the slobber — not all of the units or upgrades are to be shown in this planned slice.

“This part of the campaign mode is of course way shorter than the Terran part, Gwinner wrote,” but it is very fun to have a very different style to add even more variety to the game.”

“That being said, the Protoss mini-campaign will not prepare you for the multiplayer as Protoss,” Gwinner added. “You won’t even be using all units or getting to know buildings and upgrades.

“In general, even for (the) Terran, it is not the objective of the single-player to show how to play the game effectively; it is to tell a story and do a lot of fun things (and), that would not be possible in multiplayer.”

Elated that the Protoss will have some sort of playable role in the campaign, we decided to paint the town red. After pissing off our upstairs neighbor and having the police called on us for “fiddling” with his door, we’ve since decided that relating this information is the best way to celebrate. Cheers!

Protoss Short Campaign in Wings of Liberty [Blizzard forums, via 1UP]

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Brad BradNicholson
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