Pretend to be Travolta in Grease this holiday

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With everything going on during this year’s E3, you may have missed some big news. Grease for the Kinect and PlayStation Move is out this week in the US, and will be out November 4th in Europe. This isn’t just another singing, dancing game since it will have all the music and moves from the movie. I know you’re excited about this news, but please don’t hurt yourself, or others, in your frantic race to pick this one up.

I have some doubts about how good this title is (it’s no Once Upon a Monster) but it must have sold fairly well on the Wii for it to get a port to the Kinect and PlayStation Move. I enjoyed the movie, but I’m not sure how much I would enjoy singing and dancing about cars, love and beauty school dropouts.

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Victoria Medina
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