Presenting the pinnacle of gaming controllers: Your schlong

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I suspect just about everyone has made the joke comparing male genitals to a joystick at some point. Some people take it further than others.

Take the guys at SF Media Labs, for example. They have devised a way to transform a tadger into an input device suited for more than insemination. Using a sensor ring, the controller can determine whether you’re tilting John Thomas up, down, left or right. And when you include the optional “firing” attachment, every stroke of the purple-headed warrior equates to a push of the fire button.

In its current form, it isn’t good for games with more thrust than Atari 2600 titles, although I suspect playing Custer’s Revenge with one’s manhood would do a lot for immersion. If you’re interested in trying this out on yourself (or a friend), full instructions are available at SF Media Labs’ website.

Click past the jump for a NSFW demonstration video (no actual penises displayed).

[Via Kinky Gamer]

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Conrad Zimmerman
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