Precursor employee arrested for child porn possession

Shadow of the Eternals developer was immediately terminated

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[Editor’s note: In light of some of the commenters’ statements, I have slightly revised some of the wording of the original article so as to tone down my gut reactions. It’s a topic I feel very strongly about, hence my response. But I understand that my personal thoughts should be left for another time and place.]

Shadow of the Eternals studio Precursor Games was hit by a major bomb yesterday when it was learned that one of the studio’s own was arrested on charges of child pornography possession. Kenneth McCulloch of St. Catharines, Ontario, had his house raided following an investigation that dated back to April. A “significant” number of computers and hardware were seized and McCulloch placed in custody.

McCulloch had been with Precursor ever since the team was still running wild as Silicon Knights. Obviously, he no longer works there — CEO Paul Caporicci made that crystal clear in a forum post last night, while all other evidence of McCulloch’s association with the company has been erased as though he never existed.

How this will effect the development of Shadow of the Eternals is a worry for another day. For now, a man’s career is pretty much over.

CRIME: St. Catharines man facing child pornography charges [Bulletin News Niagra] (Thanks for the tip, Ocho)

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Tony Ponce
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