Pre-orders begin for Kotobukiya’s Ikaruga model

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Mention Ikaruga, and watch as the ensuing comments sound like the giddy ramblings of pre-teen schoolgirls. If that describes you, then take a look at this model kit by Kotobukiya.

Rather than simply giving it a good stare, though, you can take action: pre-orders are now being accepted by the usual suspects with a June release in mind. This kit is approximately $46, which is a small price to pay for such pure gaming badassery.

Just don’t fall into my trap of using that to justify purchasing everything of vague interest you see on the Internet. It won’t end well.

Pre-orders open for Kotobukiya’s Ikaruga kit [Tomopop]

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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