I hope y’all enjoy trailers, because there’s a flood of them on the way thanks to GameTrailers TV and Geoff Keighley nabbing a bunch of exclusives right before E3. Among the five million videos shown last night was a trailer for Just Cause 2, a game which probably doesn’t have top priority on your radar.
But maybe it should. You shouldn’t need to be reminded that A) trailers are cut to make a game look as good as possible and B) I tend to be overly enthusiastic when it comes to pre-release coverage, but still.
Just Cause 2 appears to do exactly what it needs to: bring more of the same insanity from the original and turn it up to eleven. While this is neither here nor there, I feel the need to bring up the similarities between the animation for this game’s grapple mechanic and Bionic Commando‘s. Can we get a Super Joe skin, please?
Glance after the break for the video, as always.