As you may have observed earlier, the E3 exhibitor booth cat is still in the bag. We’ve been licking our lips and fighting off the butterflies since our feet hit the convention center this morning and little teases like the above image doesn’t help the anxiousness.
What you’re seeing is a prop for Capcom’s Dark Void booth. It’s a life-size recreation of the helmet the game’s skyjacking, vertically inclined protagonist wears while he’s doing his thing. And the best part about this prop is that some lucky cat is going to wear the helmet (and other stuff) in our presence while we do our thing — play Dark Void at E3.
If you want more than just this little taste of Dark Void props, head over to the Capcom-Unity to get a behind the scenes look (via gallery) at what Capcom is cooking up for the game’s booth. (Jet pack confirmed; its functionality is not.)
Published: May 31, 2009 07:46 pm