Pool Revolution: Cue Sports is cheaper than a billiards table

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I have an asshole of a brother-in-law that has a huge mini-mansion with too many rooms.  The “front” room is massive — like two stories high — and would be my dream billiards room. Some big speakers, a place to put drinks, and a big-assed pool table. I told him this, but he put in some foo-foo furniture, like a secondary couch that no one will sit on. What a waste.

My little dinky house doesn’t have room for that. I don’t even have room for Rock Band drums. But I may have space for another Wii game. Maybe.

I’m kind of hoping that Hudson’s Pool Revolution: Cue Sports will make up for the lack of room or table. I grew up with the game and would love to play it again, even in virtual form. Your Wii Remote acts as an actual cue, gauging speed and impact angle. PR looks to have some actual depth and challenge where you can show off your technique. You can play with friends or online, and you don’t have to worry about your drunk buddies spilling a drink on your table!

There’s also a puzzle-ish trick mode that lets you set up your own challenges, and even tourneys matched up over Nintendo’s Wi-Fi service.

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Dale North
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