PlayStation Vita gains momentum with European devs

Survey suggets growing interest in the platform

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Buyer’s remorse is a term I often hear associated with the PlayStation Vita, and while I may not necessarily share that feeling, it seems prevalent enough to note, and rightfully so. Since its launch, the platform has faced struggling sales, strong competition and a surprisingly slow adoption rate among major developers. Despite this, Sony has pledged to continue support for their latest handheld, and following the results of a recent GDC survey, that support may have paid off.

With GDC Europe right around the corner, conference officials conducted a survey of over 300 industry professionals in an attempt to gauge the state of the European games industry. While the survey revealed its fair share of interesting tidbits, a few statistics caught our eye. Only 2% of European developers have released a game for the PlayStation Vita however, 6% are currently working on a title and 9% have expressed interest.

It’s slow growth, but growth nonetheless, and while these numbers may seem low — because really, they are — what may surprise you more is that the Nintendo 3DS polled even lower in each category. Keep in mind that these results don’t reflect the state of industry for North America, or Asia for that matter.

About The Author
Tim Sheehy
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