The only thing we know for sure about PlayStation Network updates is that they happen on Thursday, but Sony has never been consistent in the times that they release the content. It may just be me, but it seems really late today. I was expecting something really cool for the wait.
Was it worth all the wait? I don’t know. If you’ve been dying to to play the Blazing Angels 2 (1.08GB) demo or the Toy Home (503MB) demo, then you’ll be pleased as they both are available now. Aside from those, you’re stuck with an asston of video downloads this week. Maybe the delay had something to do with having to upload all of these:
- TimeShift FPS Video 1
- Battlefield: BC Teaser Traile
- Burnout “Playground” Video
- Ratchet BTS – Animation
- Ratchet BTS – Gameplay
- Time Crisis 4 Trailer 2
- Uncharted “MTD” Video
- High Velocity Bowling Trailer
- PAIN Launch Trailer
- Toy Home Trailer
- PLAYSTATION Network Video
- This Christmas Trailer
- The Dark Knight Trailer
- Remember That Night Trailer
If you still have space on your hard drive after grabbing these videos, you might want to check out the new Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune wallpapers.