The following news is brought to you in part by your friends at the Internet Matlockery Foundation. The guys at Xbox 360 Fanboy took it upon themselves to scrounge through the ESRB’s Web site and what did they find? 3 likely XBLA candidates, of course!
The 3 games were Peggle, Ultra Bust-A-Move, and Bliss Island. A representative from PopCap Games has already confirmed with Shacknews that Peggle will indeed be making an appearance on Live Arcade in Q2 (tentative). I just got the iPod version of the game, and I’d be lying if I said that I could resist the urge to drop more cash in the name of Peggle. Seriously, forget your masculinity and check out this fantastic game immediately if you haven’t done so already.
Ultra Bust-A-Move could very well end up being an Xbox Originals release, because that would only mean more money out of our pockets than if it were a standard 800 Microsoft Point XBLA title.
Finally, there’s Bliss Island, a game I had never even heard of until today. The premise has something to do with blue creatures puffing air to make clouds so that they can live on their island in bliss. Don’t injure yourself trying to figure out what all that means, as it was probably the result of a brainstorming session a la Atari in the 70s.
[Image via Rock, Paper, Shotgun]