Holy shit! PAX Prime is just around the corner!
PAX may be billed as one of the few chances every year for non-gaming press to preview new games and meet their favorite developers and industry giants, but for me it’s all about the community! In less than three weeks, Dtoiders from across the globe will be swarming the streets of Seattle like so many headless chickens, wondering where to go and what to do. But fear not, my children; we have you covered!
Below is a list of pretty much everything you need to know to get ready for the year’s best gaming convention. Whether you’re a PAX virgin or Seattle’s own Heidi Fleiss, you’re bound to find something useful contained within!
Community Stuff
The List – Dtoid UK community manager Beccy Caine has compiled a list of all the Dtoiders attending PAX this year. If your name isn’t on it, drop us a comment and let us know!
Google Group – Once you’re on the list, be sure to join this year’s Google Group and let us know when you’re arriving/departing, where you’re staying, and sign up to wear the new Mr Destructoid helmet! Speaking of which…
Mr Destructoid Helmet – We need people to wear it! Our own Hamza Aziz has described it as “freaking light” and “not a total pain in the f*cking ass”. What’s not to love? Go sign up now if you’re interested!
Avatar Adoption – One of my favorite aspects of PAX is that even if you don’t get to go, you’re there in spirit! Every year, Dtoiders sign up to “adopt the avatar” of another member who can’t make it to the convention, and this year will be no different. Click here to see how the whole thing works!
PAX Panels
As in the past, there are a ton of great panels to attend at this year’s PAX! You could find the full list here, but Hamza has already detailed all the Destructoid-specific ones right here, so why bother?
Most notable, of course, is Destructoid Live III: How to run a successful gaming blog (and not get sued), on Friday, August 31 at 12:30 PM in the Unicorn Theatre! Dtoid reviews editor Jim Sterling, editor-in-chief Dale North, director of communications Hamza Aziz, news editor Conrad Zimmerman, PC editor Jordan Devore, and features editor Chad Concelmo will be your hosts this year, and if past panels are any indication, there will be nothing of substance discussed, chocolate cake rubbed into the carpet, and tons and tons of hamburgers, Dtoid merch, posters, games, and other swag tossed at audience members’ heads!
Oh! And immediately after the Dtoid panel we’ll be taking the 2012 Destructoid group photo, so be sure to stick around until the end!
After Hours
In addition to the usual Dtoid after parties (a run-down of which is coming soon!), there are a ton of awesome concerts to attend this year! On the list for 2012 are Jonathan Coulton, MC Frontalot, Paul & Storm, and The Protomen!
Guide to Seattle
Dtoid contributor Holly Green recently wrote up a fantastic guide to Seattle for those of us scared of big cities and rain. In it, she details all your transportation options, tourist traps, restaurants, and more! Give it a look to make the best of your weekend!
And that’s it! Questions, comments, or concerns? Hit us up in the comments!