Path of Exile 3.25 best league starter builds

Path of Exile 3.25 Best League Starter builds

Try these powerful builds in Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur

The latest Path of Exile 3.25 league, Settlers of Kalguur, introduces an exciting new league mechanic that promotes mapping to collect resources crucial to progressing your settlement. With all the changes to various Ascendancy classes, certain builds are going to have an easier time at the start of the league with this update. We’ve put together the best league starter builds going into Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur.

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Best Path of Exile 3.25 League Starter builds

Best Path of Exile 3.25 League Starter builds

For the most part, this league will favor builds that can quickly clear maps to acquire the new league resources. While most of these builds are chosen for their capability in Softcore Trade, for the most part, things translate similarly to Hardcore as long as you focus more on survivability and tankiness. Here are the best Path of Exile 3.25 League Starter builds:

  • Archmage Frostbolt Ice Nova Hierophant
  • Lightning Strike Slayer
  • Elemental Hit of the Spectrum Warden
  • Bleed Ground Slam
  • Zoomancer Necromancer

Archmage Frostbolt Ice Nova Hierophant

With the changes in Settlers of Kalguur, most builds got a slight buff or slight nerf overall due to the changes. Archmage Frostbolt Ice Nova Hierophant however got some pretty hefty defensive buffs that may propel this already strong league starter build into being one of the best in PoE 3.25.

The playstyle of this build consists of shooting out projectile frostbolts that quickly pulsate massive Ice Nova AoE’s as they spread out, before eventually returning back to you, while still pulsating the Ice Novas. You’ll quickly deal massive amounts of frost AoE damage making this one of the best map clearing builds and therefore a strong league starter contender for Path of Exile 3.25.

Recommended Build Guide: Goratha’s Archmage Frostbolt Icenova Hierophant

Lightning Strike Slayer

Coming into Path of Exile 3.25, this already strong build has the potential to be even stronger due to added survivability that’s typically missing from the Slayer Ascendancy. One of the potential boons to this build coming into the new league is Strength of Blood, a notable passive that further enhances physical damage mitigation for Slayer.

In terms of playstyle, Lightning Strike Slayer uses melee strikes to send out bolts of lightning that zap any enemies hit and chain and bounce around the map when used. Despite being a melee build, Lightning Strike gives you pretty incredible range and can quickly

Recommended Build Guide: jungroan’s Slayer Lightning Strike

Elemental Hit of the Spectrum Warden

Even though Warden is a bit of unknown due to being an all-new Ascendancy that is replacing Raider, we can still draw some conclusions based on what we’ve seen about how the Warden works. Built around its use of tinctures and the added survivability via Barkskin, Warden is a natural fit for the popular Elemental Hit league starter build.

This build quickly zips around the map firing bouncing arrows around the map in a quick and targeted fashion. This allow you to quickly clear maps while also focusing down bosses due to the high attack speed and damage output of the targeted arrows.

Recommended Build Guide: Fubgun’s Elemental Hit League Starter

Bleed Ground Slam Chieftain

This league has given a lot of love to melee, making Bleed Ground Slam Chieftain a powerful league starter build option going into PoE 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur. Bleed builds have traditionally been hit or miss, but within all the changes, it’s in position to be one of the strongest options yet.

With this build, you’ll slam the ground sending out a cone of destruction that also inflicts the powerful Bleed status on all enemies hit. Once you have the proper build for Bleed Ground Slam, the cone covers a massive radius extending across your screen and covering nearly a 180-degree angle in the direction you slam.

Recommended Build Guide: Steelmage’s Bleed Ground Slam League Starter

Zoomancer Necromancer

Summoner builds always have a spot on league starter build lists, and this season is no start. While most summoner builds focus on building up a specific summon, the Zoomancer Necromancer build brings the entire kitchen sink of minions to do its building.

The playstyle of Zoomancer Necromancer will have you running around with over 70 minions at once, being able to quickly swarm your enemies with your “zoo” of summons as the name suggests. As you progress through this build you’ll eventually be able to take on the hardest content in PoE 3.25 via the bidding of your summons, never having to get your hands dirty.

Recommended Build Guide: GhazzyTV’s Zoomancer Necromancer

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Image of Steven Mills
Steven Mills
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He has a passion for story focused RPG's like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile. But really, he's willing to try anything.